Personal Trainer
Nutrition Facts of the Day
Did you know that 5 lbs of muscle weighs the same as 5 lbs of fat? Well, the fact of the matter is that this statement is 100% true. It may be deceiving but the main fact in regards to the statement is that muscle is more dense than fat. When you piece it together, two different people can be the same exact height and weight but their body compositions will be different. The conclusion to this is that one will have more body fat percentage, while the other has more muscle mass. This is why nutrition along with exercise is very important if you want to stay on track of any kind of fitness program.
Home Work Out Routine
For those of you that can’t or don’t like going to the gym, here’s a work out plan for you. The work out plan below is designed for you to do in the comfort of your own home. Now you can get in shape, stay fit, and exercise without even leaving your house.
All you need for this work out routine is a pair of dumb bells and a flat bench. However, if you don’t have either of these, a great alternative would be something in your house that you could use instead. For example, instead of dumbbells… grab a can of soup or a bag of rice. If you don’t have a flat bench, you can lie on your coffee table or just lie on the floor.
If you have a fully blown home gym, you will have more options with regards to the exercises you perform. However, if you don’t, there are still many exercises you can perform, either by modifying the exercise slightly, or by using assistance from a bench, exercise ball, wall or other object. If you’re serious about your home workouts, you really need at least some basic fitness equipment.
Note that if your aim is for strength or muscle size, you really need a full set of weights so that you can progressively increase your weights over time.
Where there are more than 3 exercises, choose 2 or 3 for each muscle group that you’re exercising that day. Every now and then, for some variation, swap one exercise for another. Variation is great in any workout routine.
- Trunk Twists – 1 set of 100 reps
- Ab Crunches – 3 sets of 25 reps
- Oblique Crunches (or twist crunches) – 3 sets of 25 reps
- Lying Leg Raises – 3 sets of 25 reps
- Wide Arm Press Ups – 3 sets of 20
- Bench Press – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbells and a bench)
- Incline Bench Press – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbells and a bench)
- Dumbbell Flyes – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbells and a bench)
These exercises require weights. If you don’t have any weights, don’t worry because you will actually get a pretty good shoulder workout when you do the chest exercises – especially the press ups.
- Upright Rows – 3 sets of 12 (requires barbell or dumbbells)
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbells)
- Lateral Raise – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbell)
- Standing Bicep Curls – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbells or a barbell)
- Concentration Curls – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbells)
- Hammer Curls – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbells)
- Tricep Bench Dips – 3 sets of 12
- Parallel Bar Dips – 3 sets of 12 (requires parallel bar or similar)
- Narrow Arm Press Ups or, if you have a bench and barbell, Close Grip Bench Presses – 3 sets of 12
- Dumbell Triceps Extensions – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbell)
Lunges and squats are also great for the buttocks.
- Lunges – 3 sets of 12 (you can do these holding dumbells at your sides if you wish)
- Squats – 3 sets of 12 (squats are normally performed with a barbell on your back but you can do these holding dumbbells at your sides – “dumbbell squats”)
- Front Leg Raises – 3 sets of 12 (if you find these too easy try using ankle weights)
- Calf Raises – 3 sets of 12
Note: If your aim is for strength or muscle size, decrease the reps to between 6 – 8 (except for the Ab exercises – keep them the same, but add resistance).
This workout routine was taken by Great-workout.Com