Nutrition Facts of the Day
Did you know that 5 lbs of muscle weighs the same as 5 lbs of fat? Well, the fact of the matter is that this statement is 100% true. It may be deceiving but the main fact in regards to the statement is that muscle is more dense than fat. When you piece it together, two different people can be the same exact height and weight but their body compositions will be different. The conclusion to this is that one will have more body fat percentage, while the other has more muscle mass. This is why nutrition along with exercise is very important if you want to stay on track of any kind of fitness program.
Exercise Increases Cognitive Function
By: Kevin Guardado NSCA-CPT
It is obvious how tremendous the effects of exercise has on the human body, but even more intriguing is its effects on the mind. For one, it does a great job of clearing the mind of the day’s stresses especially if your program requires a great deal of mental concentration and focus, like all good programs should. “Exercise is the best thing you can do for your brain,” says Margery Rosen, a freelance writer specializing in health and psychology, “ Yes, brain volume shrinks slightly as we age, but the brain continues to make new neurons and fine-tunes neural connections as long as we live”.
Put very simply, exercise boosts the flow of blood to the brain. The increased circulation of blood to the brain allows the transport of oxygen and other critical nutrients and the removal of waste. The increased blood flow releases a chemical (BDNF) that stimulates the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus, a part of the brain responsible for short and long term memory, learning, and the ability to plan and make decisions. BDNF also repairs cell damage and strengthens synapses or neural connections. The hippocampus typically shrinks by 0.5 percent each year starting as early as 40, along with other forms of cognitive and neuromuscular decline.
Exercise, along with a good diet and a balanced lifestyle, is the ONLY thing that can safely and effectively slow down the process of aging and even reverse it! Even if you started in late adulthood, you can start to see its effects a few months after starting a program. Your ability to adopt exercise as a part of your lifestyle and stay consistent with it is the only way to feel youthful, sharp and healthy, regardless of age. Start with a master plan of 150 minutes a week, or five 30 minute sessions, alternating aerobic and resistance training. Even just walking 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week can significantly improve your health as well as get your body used to a permanent exercise routine. The key is to start with something you can handle for the long-term. Stay strong!
For more information on health and exercise or for a free consultation, stop by Fitness Results or give us a call at 909-608-1780.
Happy Saturday Everyone! It’s the weekend but stay strong and stay motivated!
If you haven’t trained with us here at Fitness Results Gym you really should! Call us or drop in during the week for a free consultation so we can get you to those fitness goals A.S.A.P!
Contact us
909 608 1780
Tiger of the Year!! Sue Olinger Ovitt !
Congratulations Sue Olinger Ovitt for achieving the 2013 Chaffey “Tiger of the year” award!! We at Fitness Results are proud of our members achievements in and out of the gym. Sue is an outstanding example of being a role model and active member to her community. Congratulations again on this achievement and we can’t wait to see that same dedication you give to education, in the gym on leg day.
Read more..
RIP Training Qualification Course
Hello Everyone!
I wanted to let you know that Fitness Results of Upland, CA will be hosting a TRX Rip Training Course that will provide Continuing Education Credits and will show you how to incorporate a range of TRX strength and flexibility exercises.
This course will really help you create innovative and fun classes that can work for all fitness levels!
All the information about the class is on the following link
The class is on 7/21/2013 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The location is at 1842 W. 11th Street, #G & H. Upland, CA 91784
Don’t forget attendees receive discounts on TRX’s, Educational DVD’s and Guides!
I look forward to seeing all of you there!
Yours in health and fitness,
Fitness Results Expansion Update 13 Mar 2013
Hello to all of our fitness family! As you may see, we are going to keep you all updated on the latest information and pictures about the expansion here at Fitness Results! Even if you cannot picture working out in the new area just yet, it will be ready very soon! Luckily as well, we have some pictures for you all so that you can get a glimpse of the new construction and get your imagination and your mind a head-start toward your fitness goals.
….Oh! By the way…TRX, Kangoo Jumps, and Bouldering coming soon!
The Ultimate Exercise Facility!!
..And Just like that…the construction of the expansion to Fitness Results begins!!! It is the first day of construction and we are very excited! This is the beginning of more and more fitness fun for all of our Fitness Family! In case you didn’t know, there is going to be a rock wall for climbing and lots more space for our Kangoo Classes and Fitness Boot Camp. Keep in mind as well that we are going to be training with TRX suspension trainers in a group setting as well. There will be something for all tastes. We here at Fitness Results just want to make sure that all our fitness family has a wide variety of ways to meet their fitness goals. Get ready! Construction will be complete very soon! We are building the ultimate exercise facility all to help YOU BUILD YOUR ULTIMATE BODY!!!
Exercise and Nutrition as Preventive Medicine
What if you went to your doctor because you were not feeling very well and upon completion of a thorough examination, the doctor simply prescribes a healthy workout regimen and nutritious meal plan as your treatment? It seems as though this is going to become a more frequent occurrence for preventative healthcare. As more and more individuals realize that they are not living very healthy lifestyles which could inevitably bring about diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, they may also be realizing that some form of self treatment is not that difficult to implement. Does it really take a doctor to tell someone that they need to eat healthy foods and exercise in order to prevent sickness? Whether it does or not, that is what doctors are going to be doing as is explained in an LA Times article published on the 9th of January 2013 by Melissa Healy.
Basically, the article explains that those that are obese and/or at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes will be “prescribed” the Diabetes Prevention Program. This program simply consists of a 12 week session in which a coach teaches the individuals to lose five to seven percent of their body weight, limit fat and caloric intake, track and control portion size and overall food intake, and ensure that they are getting at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.
Those that participated in and adhered to the aforementioned program were able to reach weight loss goals in approximately three months and were able to maintain a healthy weight for more than a year. The results were that they mitigated their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by 58 percent, as was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002.
This article also touches on how the government might implement these practices in regard to healthcare and insurance. For example, these programs for weight loss and lifestyle modification will be available to patients through their health insurance. So health insurance could essentially pay for your gym membership. The take-away from that would be that in utilizing these preventative techniques, the government will be preventing illness rather than treating it at a greater cost later on.
Nonetheless, we all need to eat healthy, nutrient rich, properly portioned meals. it is also very important that we exercise regularly. We don’t need to visit a doctor to figure that out. Visit your local gym and talk to a Personal Trainer. They can help you on your way to a much healthier lifestyle, not to mention diabetes prevention before it becomes a concern at all. There is a saying that goes like this: “If you do not make time for exercise now, you will have to make time for illness later!” Make time to live a healthy lifestyle NOW.
Fitness Results
Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?
They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right? Well maybe so, maybe not. I guess it all depends on how you use it. According to an article published in Yahoo Sports on the 27th of December 2012, titled, “The Greatest Weight Loss Myth Ever Told,” we should be skipping breakfast in order to lose weight. The article states that the “greatest myth” is that breakfast IS the most important meal of the day and that we shouldn’t go without it.
The basic premise for this type of behavior is to decrease overall caloric intake. Well okay. Theoretically speaking a decrease in overall caloric intake should create a situation that induces weight loss. This seems rather logical if you ask me. However, in the article it explains the consideration of a study taken from Nutrition Journal in 2011 that provided evidence that of test subjects, the more calories that were consumed for breakfast, meant more calories consumed for the entire day. In comparison, with a smaller breakfast with fewer calories, or eating no breakfast at all, there was overall fewer calories consumed for the entire day.
So basically what the article concludes is that those individuals that desire to lose weight could or should consider reducing the size and/or calories in their breakfast meal. Keep in mind that this is only recommended as a simple adjustment to easily lose weight. Logical, right? The less calories consumed, the less possible fat storage.
Excellent! I highly recommend NOT skipping breakfast completely. Not eating is not a healthy way to lose weight. This will make you very hungry later on and increase the probability that you will over eat later on. Then when you do in fact fill yourself, the body remembers that it doesn’t like to feel hungry and since you are in the habit of skipping meals, why not store some fat for energy later.
The best way to tackle this concern without going hungry is to break those meals into smaller portions and eat more frequently. For example instead of having only breakfast, lunch, and dinner, break those meals down to their actual serving sizes first of all. When you do this you might think that you will probably still be hungry after eating. This may be because you are used to eating larger, less frequent meals until you are full. This needs to change. You are going to now have a healthy snack in between breakfast and lunch and then again between lunch and dinner. This continued consumption of much smaller portions of food with fewer calories throughout the day will keep your metabolism going because you are continually feeding your body. Therefore your body will not feel it needs to store fat because it is consuming and burning energy consistently. You can still reduce your overall caloric intake without going hungry or missing meals. To be honest with you, I am starving when I wake up. My body spent all night utilizing any nutrients from the prior day’s food consumption. The first thing on my mind when I wake up is FOOD! However, I exercise first then eat a healthy breakfast.
If you would like to know more about healthy ways to eat to lose weight, then you should look into the following article: “Eat to Boost Metabolism and All-Day Energy: Meal Planning Guide & Recipes.” This article provides an example of exactly what I described for breaking down and distributing meals for weight loss. But don’t take my word for it. I encourage you to try these methods for yourself and see what works best. I also encourage you to read the comments below the first article.