With Dumbbells in each hand, stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent
Bend over while maintaining slightly bent knees
Bring shoulders back to a comfortable position bending at hips
Chest out, shoulders back and the neck in line to create a flat not rounded, back position, abdominals stable
Allow the hands to hang 99% of a full extension
Upward Movement
Dumbbell Deltoid Fly
Keeping your arms straight, raise your arms up to full contraction
Keeping your hands slightly out in front of the shoulders
VARIATION: Slightly bend arms at the elbow. Focus pulling the arms up and forearms will follow. Keep your forearms in the same plane as elbows. Keeping elbows slightly out in front of the shoulders
Back and neck straight and abdominals stable
Downward Movement
Lower the dumbbells slowly and under control
Do not allow any movement to occur at the elbow joints, only the shoulders
Hold Dumbbells at the side of your body, palms facing in
Elbows should be fully extended in the starting position
Variation: Arms slightly bent
Upward Movement
Raise both arms out to side of body to shoulder height
Keep elbows extended and wrists rigid
Variation. Arms slightly bent Focus on pulling the elbows up to shoulder height away from torso in line with your shoulder. Keep your forearms in the same plane as elbows with wrist straight
Movement should be slow and controlled
Do not shrug the shoulders, back & neck straight and abdominals stable
Variation: Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises arms slightly bentDumbbell Side Lateral Raises – Straight Arms
Downward Movement
Lower the DB’s slowly and under control
Do not bounce the DB on the thigh at the bottom
Keep the erect upper body posture and the knees slightly flexed, abdominals stable
Hold bar with the hands approximately shoulder width apart
Hands must be equal distance from the center of the bar
Lift the bar from the supports holding over the upper portion of the chest
Downward Movement
Chest – Bench Press Downward Movement
Lower the bar slowly with the elbows out until it touches the chest
Keep wrists rigid, the forearms perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other. The grip width will determine how parallel the forearms are to each other.
Upward Movement
Extended the arms straight up to complete the exercise
DO NOT forcefully lock the elbows
DO NOT arch the lower back or lift the buttocks from the original position
For those of you that can’t or don’t like going to the gym, here’s a work out plan for you. The work out plan below is designed for you to do in the comfort of your own home. Now you can get in shape, stay fit, and exercise without even leaving your house.
All you need for this work out routine is a pair of dumb bells and a flat bench. However, if you don’t have either of these, a great alternative would be something in your house that you could use instead. For example, instead of dumbbells… grab a can of soup or a bag of rice. If you don’t have a flat bench, you can lie on your coffee table or just lie on the floor.
If you have a fully blown home gym, you will have more options with regards to the exercises you perform. However, if you don’t, there are still many exercises you can perform, either by modifying the exercise slightly, or by using assistance from a bench, exercise ball, wall or other object. If you’re serious about your home workouts, you really need at least some basic fitness equipment.
Note that if your aim is for strength or muscle size, you really need a full set of weights so that you can progressively increase your weights over time.
Where there are more than 3 exercises, choose 2 or 3 for each muscle group that you’re exercising that day. Every now and then, for some variation, swap one exercise for another. Variation is great in any workout routine.
Dumbbell Flyes – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbells and a bench)
These exercises require weights. If you don’t have any weights, don’t worry because you will actually get a pretty good shoulder workout when you do the chest exercises – especially the press ups.
Upright Rows – 3 sets of 12 (requires barbell or dumbbells)
Parallel Bar Dips – 3 sets of 12 (requires parallel bar or similar)
Narrow Arm Press Ups or, if you have a bench and barbell, Close Grip Bench Presses – 3 sets of 12
Dumbell Triceps Extensions – 3 sets of 12 (requires dumbbell)
Lunges and squats are also great for the buttocks.
Lunges – 3 sets of 12 (you can do these holding dumbells at your sides if you wish)
Squats – 3 sets of 12 (squats are normally performed with a barbell on your back but you can do these holding dumbbells at your sides – “dumbbell squats”)
Front Leg Raises – 3 sets of 12 (if you find these too easy try using ankle weights)
Note: If your aim is for strength or muscle size, decrease the reps to between 6 – 8 (except for the Ab exercises – keep them the same, but add resistance).
Are you getting older and can’t remember the little things in life like where you left your keys or what you had for dinner the night before? Good news… Did you know that a moderate amount of exercise actually stimulates part of the brain that is connected with memory retention? This can help you improve your mental thought process and decrease the amount of those “Senior Moments” and make them become few and far between!