You Deserve The Best Program Tailored Just for You
Train with Certified Personal Trainers
Our trainers are all certified by a nationally acclaimed institution such as the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), the National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM) and more. With not only knowledge, but also experience in field through internships or training from world class lifter, Lance McCullough, you can be sure you’re getting the most benefit possible.
Save Yourself Time
Why plan a workout when we can do that for you? We’ll not only keep count of your reps, sets and rest time, but also develop a customized routine, motivate you to continue your work out regime and keep you from plateauing. Best of all, we’ll make sure you are accountable for achieving the goals set for you!
The Extra Motivation
We’re better than a mirror to help you check your form, give you suggestions on how to make the same exercise more difficult and we’re excellent spotters. We will not only push your limits, but make sure that you do so safely and avoid injury.
Appointment Only
Our gym is set by appointment only, so you won’t have to wait to get on the machine nor worry about the hassle of large, crowded facilities. If a session says 30 minutes, we’ll work through everything you need in 30 minutes so you can be in, out and on your way. (But we also like conversation if you’re into that.)