Rebootizer! A new way to combat stress!
By: Kevin Guardado NSCA-CPT
REBOOTizer is a relatively new dietary supplement developed by leading bio-chemist Anne Sophie Bongain at the Alpenrose Clinic in Switzerland. This supplement is composed of 7 powerful antioxidants that are 100% naturally derived from plant and fruit extracts. In these modern times, we are constantly exposed to many stresses that take a large toll on our body. We are exposed to many factors that contribute to oxidative stress such as air travel, strenuous exercise, sun exposure, pollution and other environmental toxins. Over time, oxidative stress can lead to conditions such as difficulty in weight management, fatigue, outward signs of aging and chronic ailments. These antioxidants eliminate unwanted free radicals to combat oxidative stress and restore balance to the body.
Just to clear up some confusion, I will discuss the role these antioxidants and free radicals play on your body on the cellular level. For one, free radicals are harmful molecules that are a threat to your health and youthfulness. They are highly unstable molecules that attempt to stabilize by reacting with molecules in your body, damaging cells and its components including your DNA. Antioxidants counteract the oxidation damage created by the free radicals, and should be consumed to protect your body. Antioxidants are nutrients (vitamins and minerals) or enzymes (proteins that assist in chemical reactions) that interfere with the chain reactions caused by free radicals and stabilizes it to prevent further damage. When there are more free radicals than antioxidants in your body it is called Oxidative Stress. To tip the scales back in our favor we need to make sure we are consuming a plentiful amount of antioxidants to counteract that.
REBOOT contains 7 all-natural fruit and plant extracts that provide Oxidative Stress Relief by neutralizing free radicals, increasing metabolic efficiency and assisting liver function to properly detox. The best part about this product is that it comes in a unique mix system pouch. Antioxidants in premixed beverages begin to degrade and lose effectiveness as soon as they are mixed, to prevent that, REBOOT has created a two bag pouch! One bag contains a fresh and potent antioxidant mix while the other contains an ultra-purified, reverse osmosis water. Simply squeeze the bag to break the seal, mix the contents and enjoy! For more info about the 7 fruit and plant extracts and how REBOOTizer works, please visit their website at or stop by Fitness Results and feel free to ask us some questions. REBOOTizer is available at our Fitness Results Pro Shop!