Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises

- Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly flexed, trunk erect and stable (contract abs)
- Hold Dumbbells at the side of your body, palms facing in
- Elbows should be fully extended in the starting position
- Variation: Arms slightly bent
Upward Movement
- Raise both arms out to side of body to shoulder height
- Keep elbows extended and wrists rigid
- Variation. Arms slightly bent Focus on pulling the elbows up to shoulder height away from torso in line with your shoulder. Keep your forearms in the same plane as elbows with wrist straight
- Movement should be slow and controlled
- Do not shrug the shoulders, back & neck straight and abdominals stable

Downward Movement
- Lower the DB’s slowly and under control
- Do not bounce the DB on the thigh at the bottom
- Keep the erect upper body posture and the knees slightly flexed, abdominals stable
Targeted Muscles: Deltoid (Outer shoulder)