Fitness Results Kangoo Classes
Greetings to all on this lovely Saturday morning! We are pleased to expand your abilities with the Kangoo Jumps! This morning once again at Fitness Results we had our Kangoo familiarization clinic where we provide information about the rebound shoes and their Impact Protection System. What we do here is go through the basic functioning of the Kangoo Jumps, how to get into the shoes, proper wear and care, and demonstrations of exactly how to conduct the movements and exercises associated with our classes. It won’t be long before our classes are in full effect! We would love to see you out here next Saturday for YOUR free familiarization. We will get you ready to jump to your heart’s delight and losing those unwanted pounds in no time! We are about results! If there is any way that we can help you achieve YOUR fitness results, please come by to see what we can do for you!