Gary Stewart is still in the lead with 5 repetitions at 470 lbs. But, we may have spoke to soon about Gary Stewart setting the bar because Wayne, Patrick and Gary Ovitt, a new competitor, are not far behind.
As of yesterday, Wayne leg pressed 450lbs. for 10 reps, no hands on the knees and then increased the weight to 470lbs. and was able to complete 6 reps.
A quick correction on Patrick, is that Patrick is 64 years of age. Patrick is due next week for new results on the leg press and we will update everyone as soon as we know the new results.
Our newest competitor, as of last week, Gary Ovitt was able to leg press 370lbs. for 10 repetitions and as of today (3/7) Gary leg pressed 410lbs. for 7 reps. Gary is in the hunt to move up in the standings for this leg press competition.
Until next week……