Fitness Tips for Avoiding Weight Gain During the Holidays
The Christmas season calls for a time of holiday cheer and fun, which means…. cookies. Fudge. Candy Canes. Hot Chocolate. SUGAR!
It’s hard to resist that temptation when you’re at your company holiday party and there’s a delicious spread of read and green desserts. So here’s the deal… you don’t have to say no. It’s okay to indulge every once in a while, within moderation. And the good news is, there are other ways to help you stay fit and on track during this time of comfort and joy. Here’s some helpful pointers from Fitness Results.
1. Avoid your alcohol consumption & drink plenty of water.
2. Don’t keep danger foods around the house for easy access. It’s hard to say no when they’re right in front of you. Make your Christmas treat a special occasion.
3. Eat balanced meals: Even though the sweets and treats are all around you, make sure you’re still getting in the proper amounts of meats and veggies.
4. Limit your time in front of the television. As much as you can, step up your cardio. Make sure you’re building in time for exercise into your daily routine. It’s better to indulge once in a while when you’ve gotten a good workout in. Take the stairs and not the elevator when you walk around the mall when you’re Christmas shopping, get up early and walk around the block… Stay active.
5. Make yourself a goal to do something active each day. You really need to be intentional about the time you spend working out. It doesn’t have to be your regular work out routine, but if you’re at least doing something… that’ll help!
Review this article from About.Com for more tips and tricks to help you avoid gaining weight during the holiday season!