Summer Exercise
Summer time is a great time for having fun. It’s about going to the beach, hiking up the mountains, and maybe doing some extra exercise to keep looking your best. It is without any doubt that it is a fun and beautiful time of the year, but sometimes it can be dangerous. Many people use summer as a big reason to get in shape, especially to look good at the beach, but not everyone makes sure to take the right precautions when exercising outside. It is a daily requirement to have at least eight cups of water a day- which most people don’t consume-and when you are outside in triple digit weather, that requirement is raised significantly. When you sweat you are losing valuable nutrients and can lead to fatigue and heat exhaustion, and athletes are even more at risk with their more intense training.
In order to maintain safety when exercising in above average heat, remember these tips:
Drink lots of fluids! Maintaining hydration is a very important thing to remember when exercising or training. It is the best way to avoid fatigue and exhaustion and keep your energy up. Water is always a great way to stay hydrated and is always recommended. Sport drinks are not always necessary unless you are under going prolonged or intense activity. However, be careful that the calorie or sugar level is not too high in your sport drink of choice, as that may set you back or keep you in the same place health wise. Also, be weary not to over drink, as it could cause vomiting, and make sure to hydrate yourself before working out.
Dress according to the Weather. Some people may feel that a good workout is only worthwhile if it generates buckets of sweat, but if it is 100 Degrees outside it probably isn’t the best idea to go out jogging in sweatpants and a jacket. Just like you wouldn’t wear a bikini in the snow it is smart to dress comfortably in relation to the conditions you are training in. Shorts and a tank-top are often a much cooler and more comfortable way to dress during summertime and have a much less stressful effect on the body. The human body puts in a lot of energy in trying to keep itself cool so wearing think heavy clothes is only working against you.
Wear Sun Block. Remember to always be careful exposing your skin in the sun for long periods of time. A nice tan probably wouldn’t hurt, but severe sun burn definitely would. During the summertime the earth is positioned in a way where it is much closer to the sun making it significantly hotter, and we Californians can tell the difference. Everyone’s skin type is different and your skin may be easier harmed than others, but it is always wise to wear some type of skin protection, no matter what the weather.
Build up to your potential. A contributing part to fatigue and exhaustion, besides dehydration, is just training too hard. For those who do not train consistently or without a trainer it is common to try and max out your bodies potential. This is a potentially dangerous thing to do no matter what the weather but when doing outside exercise the effect is then amplified. It can cause muscle and joint damage and may not even help gain strength or stamina. Even if you workout strictly on weekends, a safe consistent workout is a much better and faster method to getting where you want to be. Check with a personal trainer to ensure safety and help build your body.
Make sure to consult a doctor or physician. One is the smartest things to do before training is to consult with a professional who can inform you on where you stand physically. How can you train safely if you do not know what dangerous is? Men over 50 and women over 60 years of age should be cautious as well as anyone with extra contributing risk factors(i.e. high/low blood pressure, smoking, heart disease, diabetes, etc) A doctors release one of the best ways to make sure you are safe even when working with a trainer.