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Train today and get #Results.
Come in and see what Fitness Results can help you with. DM or call for your first session. Its Free!
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The Fitness Results Blog

Training Book
It’s a fact: 78% of Americans do not meet the guidelines of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for muscle-strengthening – even though this is a basic component of a healthy life style. So what keeps people from good exercise habits? In a 2016 survey, IHRSA reports that the top reasons are cost, time […]

Misuse of “Core” Terminology
A topic I have been thinking about lately – core training – is an expansion of what is in my book 30 Minute Body. Sometimes a new client will tell me that their doctor or chiropractor or someone else has told them that they have a “weak core” or they need to “strengthen their core.” […]